Monday, May 27, 2013


The first week of classes behind me and I already know both of these classes are going to push me. Spanish for Medical Proffesions will simply be an overwhelming amount of vocabulary. It's a bit different though because we'll be visiting clinics and having doctors come visit us so that will break up what could have been a monotonous class. Mi professora is a Spanish/English teacher and not actually someone in the medical industry. This has it's benefits amd drawbacks; I know I'm learning a lot and it's not straight memorization, she makes sure the class is interesting, but she also doesn't have the medical background to be able to answer some of our questions.

My second class is the one that is going to challenge me the most. I suddenly remember why I chose a science major en vez de a Liberal Arts degree. I love correct answers. My short stories of Latin America course is very very over my head philosophical existential ideas and free thinking which, don't misunderstand me, I enjoy, but not in a classroom setting in spanish dring a four hour interval at prime nap time. It will be a struggle for me, but I am hoping that by pushing myself outside my comfort zone, that comfort level expands.

That's kind of the whole point of travel isn't it? If you never do something to challenge amd scare yourself a little then how do you ever grow?

I think the existential class is wearing off on me.

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