Monday, October 27, 2014

Laughter in Place of Tears

You are so incredibly strong. A simple enough phrase and one that I've heard more than once in my life. People seem amazed that I am where I am in life and haven't suffered a complete mental breakdown as a result of losing my parents so young.

But this beleaguers the question, what defines strength? Every individual I'm sure has their own definition of what strength involves. Personally, I'm of the mindset that strength is something that's defined situationally. And so in my case, I take it to mean that I've made it through this tragedy with a lot of tears, a little grace, courage, but most of all hope.

I would not be strong without support and that's what I've been given from day one. Family, friends and even people who were strangers to me, but played a role in my parents life have embraced me with open arms at more than one time when I could no longer be strong for myself. It's these individuals who've taught me to keep moving forward and to have hope for the future. And so it's these individuals who I'd like to thank. I don't have time or space enough to put down specific names and I'd miss out on the nameless generosity of strangers. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Without the love and acceptance I've received over the past 13 years, I would have found myself in a much different and a much more broken place. So today I wanted to take the time to acknowledge you and thank you and let you know that I hope I can do for you even a fraction of what you've done for me.

I won't lie. Today is incredibly hard. This whole week is hard. A loss this significant is one that is always felt and on days like today, it's a little more poignant. But I don't want to spend today remembering their absence. Today I want to celebrate their life and their memory. So once again I'm asking you to be my support, if you have a favorite memory or funny story about them, I'm asking that you please take the time to share it. Either comment down below or post it to my facebook. And even if you never knew them but maybe have a funny memory with me, then please share it.

Today my goal is to cry from laughter and I can't do that on my own.

I love all of you so very much.

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